We try to give you as much information as possible through our site. Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed, or you would prefer to speak to someone personally, please call us 020-7871377.
No, you’re still fertile straight after an abortion. Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures, provided it is done by a medical expert. Organisations against abortion spread a lot of misinformation about abortions. If you’re not sure about the truth of the information you have read, why don’t you give us a call and we can give you detailed explanations and information?
Both procedures are very safe and effective however they differ in their pros and cons. If you are not sure which procedure suits you best, why don’t you give us a call? +31 (0)20-787 1377
You can find more information on the different methods in Abortion Procedures.
Yes, you can call us for an appointment on 020-7871377
There has been much research into mental problems after an abortion. There doesn’t seem to be a link between abortion and mental illness. People experience mixed feelings but most of the time it is a feeling of relief.
Some people experience it as a life event which can have a significant impact on their wellbeing. It may help to talk about it with friends or a professional before or after the procedure. There is more information on our website under Aftercare. We can also refer you to therapists who will be able to help you.
All methods of contraception have their pros and cons. Most important is that you choose a method which suits you best. The contraceptive must be medically suitable for you. Maybe you don’t want to think about it every day. Or do you want to be able to predict when your period will come? We can inform you about the different methods and help you with your choice. More information on the different methods can be found on our website www.anticonceptie.nl.
No. If you are over 12 and we are sure that you have taken a considered decision, we do not need the approval of your parents or guardians (*). Without your approval, we will never contact your parents, guardians, school or GP. We do advise that you talk to someone you trust so that you can share your feelings and you’re not alone going through this experience.
(*) For girls between the ages of 12 and 16 the approval of parents/guardians and from the girl in question is required. There are two exceptions where the approval of the girl is enough:
If abortion is the considered wish of the girl
In principle, the doctor has to inform the parents/guardians in these two cases. However, the doctor can opt to not inform them about the abortion, if this is deemed to be better in the circumstances. This could be the case if, for example, by telling the parents/guardians, it could jeopardise the health or safety of the girl because she could then decide not to go ahead with the abortion. The doctor has to make sure that the girl fully understands the information given and the decision made. Young women from the age of 16 can decide independently and have an independent right to the information.
No. It is your body and your choice. If you have reasons not to tell your partner that you are pregnant and decide not to tell them you’re having an abortion, that is up to you. We have a duty of confidentiality and will never provide information about you to a third party without your approval.
All bodies react differently. Some people do not experience any pain but for others it is an unpleasant experience. We can’t predict how your body will react. We can give you painkillers during the procedure in the clinic which work well. If you have used the abortion pill and you’re not in our clinic, you can use painkillers such as Aleve, Feminax, naproxen, diclofenac or ibuprofen.
The abortion pill is very safe and effective. The procedure rarely results in the continuation of the pregnancy. If you don’t get any cramps or bleeding after taking the abortion pill, you may need more medication.
There is also a small chance that the pregnancy has stopped but that there is still some pregnancy tissue left behind in the uterus which causes you to have cramps and bleeding. This tissue usually comes out a few weeks after taking the abortion pill. Sometimes more mediation may be needed or a vacuum aspiration might be necessary. The follow up check is important and we will discuss this with you in the clinic.
It depends whether it is just one pill you forgot or a few, which pill you are using and in which week you are in your cycle. The pill package normally has a leaflet which explains what to do in these situations. If you are not sure, you can always call us.
Still not sure? You can take the Levonorgestrel morning after pill up to 72 hours (three days) after having had unprotected sex. The morning after pill ellaOne can be taken up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sex. They are not always successful and you can still get pregnant.
More reliant is the morning after IUD. We can fit that for you in our clinic. This is a copper IUD which can be fitted up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sex. You can leave the IUD in for between 5 and 10 years which will give you protection against pregnancy or you can have it removed after you have had your period.
Call us for an appointment to fit an emergency IUD on 020-787 13 77.
You can take the Levonorgestrel morning after pill up to 72 hours (three days) after having had unprotected sex. The morning after pill ellaOne can be taken up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sex. They are not always successful and you can still get pregnant.
More reliant is the morning after IUD. We can fit that for you in our clinic. This is a copper IUD which can be fitted up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sex. You can leave the IUD in for between 5 and 10 years which will give you protection against pregnancy or you can have it removed after you have had your period.
Call us for an appointment to fit an emergency IUD on 020-787 13 77.
You could have picked up an STI. We advise you to take an STI test. We can do that in our clinic 020-787 13 77 or via your GP or GGD (Dutch public health service).
Our advice is to take it easy on the day of the abortion. You should be able to get back to work the next day. We advise during the next two weeks not to use tampons, go swimming or have a bath and not to have sex. If you do physical intensive work, you might get some cramps. You can take some painkillers to help you through it.
You are always welcome for a chat and an ultrasound. There are also professionals with whom you can talk about your doubts. We often make referrals to the FIOM. They are specialised in giving assistance in cases of unwanted pregnancy. However, there are also organisations who pretend to give assistance with unplanned or unwanted pregnancy but who in fact oppose abortion. They sometimes provide false medical information or play on/manipulate your guilty feelings, which is not very helpful. If you would like advice where to seek help, call us for more information.
We would advise you seek help straightaway so you’re not on your own going through this time. You could go to your GP or to a centre for sexual violence. Consider whether you want to report the rape to the police. If you decide to end the pregnancy, and you have reported the rape to the police, the pregnancy tissue can in some cases be used as evidence in a court case. The tissue will be sent to a forensic institute for analysis.
Let us know. We can only give you an abortion if you want it yourself. That is the reason why we have a chat alone with you before we carry out the procedure. If you don’t feel safe let us know. We can help to create a safe environment for you. For more information go to Veilig Thuis.
The amniotic sac/embryo (depending on how far you are in your pregnancy) is always examined to make sure that there are no irregularities, and that the abortion is complete. You don’t have to but you can see it if you wish. Some people like to take it home with them and bury it in their garden. If you would like to do that, you need to let us know beforehand so that we can keep it for you. Otherwise, it will be taken away and cremated by a specialist firm.
No. The insurance doesn’t pay for it and, consequently, you won’t receive a statement in the post.
Sedation is a lighter anaesthetic than general anaesthesia. Under sedation, you do the breathing yourself and there is no need for intubation. You’ll wake up much quicker after sedation and there are hardly any after-effects. Most people prefer having sedation and don’t feel anything of the procedure. In case of allergies, some illnesses, weight issues or medication, it is not safe to administer sedation. However, the doctor in the clinic will advise accordingly.
Kliniek Epione
Centrum voor Seksuele Gezondheid
Paasheuvelweg 25
1105 BP Amsterdam
Tel: 020 787 13 77
Mail: info@kliniekepione.nl
Maandag | 8:30 – 17:00 uur |
Dinsdag | 8:30 – 17:00 uur |
Woensdag | 8:30 – 17:00 uur |
Donderdag | 8:30 – 17:00 uur |
Vrijdag | 8:30 – 17:00 uur |
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